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Showing posts from December, 2022

Blog Journal #10

 As a future educator I will use data collection (surveys) to better improve my classes, teaching, etc. For example at the end of every week I can have students fill out a survey about if they enjoyed the weeks lesson and if not what I can do to improve it. Also at the end of the year I can have students fill out a survey on how they liked the class and me as a teacher. Data collection is important as an educator to gage where the students are at with what they are learning and if you need to improve your teaching skills.  As far as reviewing my classmates blogs I thought it was interesting how we all do things differently. Sure the lessons and instructions are the same but we all have our own unique take on what we do. For example Assignment 4: PowerPoint where we were suppose to teach something, every student chose a different subject and grade. Each students was different and the level of quality varied depending on each students.  Finally, the technology- related skills I would lov