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Blog Journal #6

 My initial experience with Diigo hasn't been the most positive because it is a bit confusing. I had to watch several different tutorial videos about how to install it to my chrome, bookmark a page, edit a bookmark, etc. I would not consider myself the most tech-savvy person, so it took me a bit to get it right. Besides it being confusing I would say that I understand it now! 

My initial experience with blogging so far has been positive. I love writing about the topics I learn in class because they interest me. I love how I can express in my own words how I feel about the topic and I love how others can read it. From my experience, there is nothing I do not like about blogging. 

One Web 2.0 tool that I would use in the future would be YouTube. YouTube has millions of videos that are right at your fingertips, for free! YouTube has so many informative and educational videos that can engage and entertain students. As a teacher, I want to implement YouTube because it is fun and easy to use.


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