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Blog Journal #5

Since signing up for Twitter I have used different sources that have helped me to communicate and stay connected with tweets from informal educators and school systems. Tweets are messages that can contain photos, links, videos, text boxes with information, and more. On Twitter, you can retweet, reply, mention someone, use hashtags, follow someone, and direct message someone. The reason I had to create a Twitter for this class was so I can publicly post using #fsu2040 or #edtech or more for my tweet having to do with the topics discussed in class. I also have been able to interact with informal teachers or school systems that have been beneficial for me as a future educator. I have been able to learn information on how to make the "perfect" PowerPoint for students and how to register it for copyright. I have learned much more as well but that is just one example. I am sure Twitter will continue to be a valuable resource for me as I continue my journey to becoming a teacher since it is so informative. 

The digital divide is a gap between students who have access to technology and students who do not have access to technology. Not all students have access to the internet or computers at home, so those who do not are at a disadvantage. Students who have access to the internet and computers are more likely to succeed in school because they have access to resources when they need them. Some causes of the digital divide are low family income, geographical restrictions, and lack of access to technology and the internet. As a future educator, I want to make sure all my students succeed so I will try to provide all the resources and technology they need in class. I will make sure to give them homework that does not require the internet, just their brain. 

For my future classroom, I would like to implement two academic software, Google Classroom, and Kahoot. I would like to use Google Classroom since I find it easy to navigate. Google Classroom will tell you all of the assignments, all the resources you need to complete the assignments, and more. Google Classroom has a built-in calendar for students, along with a teacher page for students to email with any questions. I would like to use Kahoot since I find it entertaining for students. Students like games and Kahoot tests your knowledge through a game. Students are more likely to remember and/or learn the information since they are more engaged. 

"digital divide" by brandiatmuhkuh is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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