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Showing posts from September, 2022

Blog Journal #3

 Hello! Today I will be talking about copyright, fair use, technology implementation issues, and new skills I have acquired. To begin copyright is the legal protection of any property someone creates. It means that if you create something you have the right to use it and distribute it if you want to. Fair use is when you copy anything for a limited purpose and this can be for school, noncommercial, and more. As a future educator, it is important that anything you create is registered and protected. As for using other things in the classroom students and educators cannot use copyrighted works without permission. It is ok to use things created by yourself or students but you cannot use pirated or copied programs, photocopies of an entire textbook, and more.  Secondly, I will discuss technology implementation issues. Cyberbullying is the act of bullying a person over electric communication. Cyberbullying affects many students every day but there are things we can do as educators to solve

Blog Journal #2

 As a student I prefer to use Google Docs over Microsoft word. I think I prefer Google Docs more because I have been using it my whole life. In middle school and high school teachers would tell us to use Google Docs. However, in college teachers started telling us to use Microsoft Word and I was so confused. I feel like Google Docs is more self explanatory, whereas Microsoft Word is not.  ISTE Standards for Educators are very important tools to remember. I chose 2.4 b Collaborator because it is the most important, in my opinion. "Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues." It is important for teachers to engage with students to figure out what the student is struggling with, especially technology wise.  The term digital native means a person born or brought up during the age of technology. Someone who is a digital native is familiar with technology and knows how to use it from an early age.