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    Hello! My name is Serena Verduzco and I am a sophomore studying Elementary Education at Florida State University. I knew I wanted to teach from a very young age because I would play school with my siblings and loved it. Since then any opportunity where I could teach someone anything, I would. Along with that, I am a dog mom who can be seen laying around the house with my lazy dog Bean. I also like to play guitar, work, sing, and dance.     

    I am making this blog post to document my journey through Introduction to Educational Technology. Prior to this class I have been a student all of my life and had lots of experience with technology. I have used it in every one of my classes starting in elementary all the way to college. I have used technology to study, play learning games, take quizzes, tests, etc. I have also taken a class my freshman year called Introduction to Education where we learned about everything having to do with a classroom, including technology. 

    As for my personal learning networks I use social media such as TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram to communicate and receive educational information online. For offline I often visit office hours provided by professors to get extra help to support my learning goals. I also visit the library on campus such as Strozier to study and get work done. In my opinion, the offline resources seem to help me meet my learning needs and goals the most.  


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